Once it became obvious the last relationship was over, and we were pretty much waiting for the paperwork, my sponsor said it would be the prime time to decide what I want in my next partner. I thought my sponsor was nuts, but after some explaining it did make sense. I could scope this out now while no one is on the horizon, so there’s no danger of making the criteria fit the candidate.
- Respects me
- Shares some of my interests
- Respects and supports their family
- Well employed
- Can be silly, but not the default state
- Can be very serious
- Has goals and plans of their own
- Expresses self in work or hobbies
- At least as mature as I am
- Dependable without being codependent
- Caring without being a doormat
- A good neighbor
- A good friend
- Accepting of me
- Accepting of my sexuality
- Accepting of my orientation
- Non-controlling
- Willing to dance, can enjoy it
- Sexual compatibility
- For whom sex is fun, pleasurable, feels good
- Compatible sexual orientation
- Has a dog!!!
- Is happy
- Not racist
- Not politically extreme
- Not prone to rage